Psalm 16: Always Before Me

“I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:7-8)

If you’ve been following David’s train of thought in Psalm 16 this week, today’s passage should seem like the next logical stop. If you’re convinced that all good things come from God, that those who put 100 percent of their hope in him are happier, and that he is providing for you today – and forever – then:

jump_350You wouldn’t stop thinking about him, listening to him, talking to him, learning about him. So why do so many of us do exactly the opposite?

We gather on Sunday morning and sing words like, “My only hope is you!” and “Great is the Lord and worthy of glory!” and “You are my rock and my salvation!” And then we walk out the door and think about him as little as possible until the next Sunday, maybe checking in with him in our minds once or twice a day as an act of duty.

I can think of three reasons I sometimes try to move thoughts of God off of my daily playlist: One, I want to spend some time doing things I know he doesn’t like (sin). Two, I’m not fully convinced God is God in my life, that he really is the source of all good things. Or, three, I’m crazy in the head, behaving as irrationally as someone who has forgotten that one and one is two.

Think: Why do you think anyone would avoid learning about or responding to the one source of all good things? How often do you ignore God? Why?

Pray: Thank God that he counsels you through his Word. Ask him to help you to set him always before you.

Do: Notice this week what percentage of your thoughts involve God in one way or another, even if he’s just “there” while you’re thinking about other things.