Two Wisdoms: Wisdom from Heaven

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James 3:17)

Had enough of the world’s brand of self-serving wisdom? Want to define success differently in your life? James turns the focus on God’s version of wisdom. Notice that it’s not so much about getting my way.

twowisdoms_350First, this wisdom is pure. That means it’s not some of one thing and some of another. God’s wisdom is all one thing all the way through. It is all about God from start to finish. It’s all about his view of the universe and his view of my life. Those living on God’s wisdom will always be moving in the same direction – the one he chooses.

With this wisdom, I am so confident God will have his way I can quit fighting to get my own way. This wisdom tells me I’d rather have his way, anyway. So I can work to make peace. I can spare the time to look at things from your point of view and be willing to have my mind changed. I can afford to show mercy and make choices that cause good things to happen for everyone.

With God’s wisdom, I’m not trying to beat you to build myself up. I’m trying to serve you because I know he will build me up when the time is right.

Think: Do the consequences of living by God’s wisdom – purity, peace, thoughtfulness, etc. – appeal to you? What keeps people who live by God’s wisdom from getting walked on by everyone else?

Pray: Ask God to give you the desire and courage to live by his wisdom in your world.

Do: Write down each of the attributes of heavenly wisdom listed in today’s verse. Rate each one on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being high) by how much of that thing you notice in your own life, lately. (e.g., peace-loving: 6; considerate: 4; etc.)