Jesus Above All: The Conquering King

“To which of the angels did God ever say, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’? Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:13-14)

Angels serve humans? What a wild idea that those awesome, powerful, fiery creatures of the wind who worship Jesus and obey his commands would be sent to serve the humans who will “inherit salvation.”

jaa_350That tells us something about the purpose of angels, but it also tells us something about Jesus and the humans who are trusting in him for their salvation.

First, we see again – once more – that Jesus is above the angels. He sits in the seat of power and victory at God’s right hand. But what does he do with that commanding position? How does he put his angel army to use?

He sends them to minister to the people he loves, the people he died for – including those being persecuted for their faith in him. He spends his power, in part, to serve his people.

Think: Have you expanded your picture of powerful King Jesus as God this week? Has that changed in any way how you feel about him, how you might choose to worship him?

Pray: Praise Jesus that he sits in the victory seat at the right hand of God.

Do: Today’s passage quotes from Psalm 110. Check it out to see the picture it paints of conquering King Jesus.