Titus Tell ‘Em: Because of His Mercy

“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” (Titus 3:4-5a)

Remember verse 3 from yesterday? It read like a job description for a position at Evil, Ugly, and Stupid, Incorporated – but it was describing each of us. Human beings are not good, attractive, or wise without God.

crete_350So why does he offer us a place in his family through faith in his Son? Because he is good. Specifically, he is full of love and kindness. He is full of mercy. He didn’t save us for what we had to offer to him, but because of what he had to offer to us.

Paul wanted to make sure the people of Crete left no room in their heads and hearts for spiritual pride. It would be silly for the drowning victim pulled from the waves and resuscitated to brag about his swimming skills. We don’t get points for sinking. God gets all the points for saving.

And we get to live.

Think: If the Bible teaches that we can do nothing to save ourselves, why do you think so many people think of Christians as being self-righteous? Do you think that’s a fair criticism? Do you think you’ve been guilty of that?

Pray: Thank God that when his kindness and love appeared, he saved you through faith in Christ because of his mercy.

Do: Make a quick list of what God gained by saving you.