Not My Power: Clay

“For God . . . made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

A few years ago, a band called Jars of Clay picked their name from this verse to make the point (I assume) that their ultimate message – that we can know God through faith in Jesus – is far more powerful and valuable than the rock band that sometimes sings about it.

jars_313If you went to The Container Store in Paul’s day looking for something to keep your most valued possession in, you’d walk right past the “12 for $1” sign on the clay pots and look for a cool-looking display jar (or maybe something with a lock on it).

Human beings are weak, fragile, flawed. Why – how – would God allow us to carry the most valuable truth in all of human history? Today’s verse answers the question, and it’s what we’ll be thinking about this week.

Think: What evidence have you seen in your life that you are a “jar of clay,” that you are not powerful on your own to carry the message of God’s grace? What evidence have you seen of God’s power in and through you?

Pray: As a Christian, thank God for placing his treasure in you and showing his power through you.

Do: Notice this week evidence of your weakness and God’s power in your life.