Like Jesus: Nothing Left

“But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.” (Philippians 2:17-18)

A drink offering was one of several types of offerings used by the Jews for worshipping God. It usually accompanied a “meal offering,” and most of Paul’s Jewish readers probably could picture the priest pouring out the wine as a sacrifice to God. Paul saw his own life being poured out; he was in prison and knew he might be killed soon for teaching about Jesus.

steps_350Did you notice what the drink offering, Paul’s life, is being poured over? The Philippian’s “sacrifice and service” to and for God. Paul had introduced them to Jesus. They had responded by trusting in Christ. That faith resulted in living such good lives that they stood out as shining stars in their generation. Paul said it was worth his whole life to help make that happen.

If you play sports, some coach has probably yelled at you at some point to “leave it all on the field” or the “court” or in the “cage” (depending on your sport). Paul’s life was poured out. He used it all up to hand his faith off to the next generation. The result? Gladness and joy for him — and for his readers.

Think: If you were in prison for preaching Jesus with a real chance of being killed, do you think you would see that as a “victory” worth being glad about?

Pray: Ask God to help you use your whole life up in serving Him.

Do: If you watch a lot of sports, give yourself one point for every time you hear the worlds “leave it all on the court” this next month.