Wisdom Says: The Wisdom Life

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” (James 3:17-18)

After hearing Wisdom’s call to follow her, we’re asking, “How can we know if we’re on the path of wisdom?” James told us two days ago that “Wisdom is as wisdom does.”

hurting_350Yesterday, he showed us the counterfeit wisdom of the world: “Wise people are the ones who get everything they want out of life.” He said that if our lives are full of envy, selfish ambition, chaos, and sin — that’s not wisdom’s path.

Today’s passage describes a life following the wisdom of God: focused in one direction; motivated by peacefulness; thoughtful of others; willing to be challenged and redirected; packed with acts of mercy and other evidence of goodness; convinced that God’s way is best; and not at all fake.

Think: How many of those descriptors of Heaven’s wisdom can you find in your life? As you investigate your heart, do you see more evidence of God’s wisdom or of the world’s brand of false wisdom?

Pray: Tell God you want today’s passage to become a description of your own life. Ask Him to help you find and live with wisdom every day.

Do: Read Proverbs 14.