Changed: Father Rescuer

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14)

Do you notice any difference here between the way Paul describes our relationship with God — and the bleary-eyed, bored way we often trudge through our “Christianity” on a Sunday morning?

changed_350You and I were stranded in the kingdom of darkness, lost and alone. It’s where we belonged (because of our sin), but the place is a nightmare come to life and a land of endless death.

The Father would not leave us there. He planned and executed a brilliant rescue by sending His Son over the border to live our worst dreams and die our final death. Then He brought us back — redeemed, forgiven, brand new citizens of the kingdom of light.

Think: How does it change your understanding of God to think of Him as your rescuer? How does it change your understanding of you to think of yourself as rescued?

Pray: Thank your Father for rescuing you from the kingdom of darkness and bringing you back to Jesus’ kingdom of light.

Do: Memorize this verse, then go sit in a totally dark room and roll it around in your head for a few minutes. Notice how bright the light is when you come out.