Counter Culture: Who’s Guarding Your Word Door?

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29)

Ever been to a concert or an event where they had a big, burly guard at a door to the backstage area? He wouldn’t let you in if you didn’t have the right badge, and you could tell by his size and that no-nonsense look on his face that he was willing to hurt you to keep you out.

ctc_350You need one of those guys guarding the door out of your mouth. You need to tell him not to let any “talk” get past him that isn’t helpful for building people up. He needs to check the badge and see if the words are intended to “give grace” to that person you’re talking to.

He should be ready to put the hurt on those other kinds of words. “Unwholesome” in this verse means “rotten” or “corrupting.” Worthless words. Hurtful words. Words meant to tear someone down or give glory to sinful things. Lousy words. Tell your big, ugly guard not to let those words see the light of day.

Think: Of course, you’re the only one capable of guarding your “words door.” Are you willing to get ugly with yourself to keep from saying rotten, hurtful words?

Pray: Ask God to give you the self-control to think before you speak and to look for ways to use words to make other people stronger, smarter, and happier.

Do: Set the alarm in your brain to go off loudly every time you say (or start to say) a worthless word today.