What David Said: One More Thing . . .

“In your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; then bulls will be offered on your altar.” (Psalm 51:18-19)

Have you ever noticed that when you’re saying sorry for something β€” especially for something really ugly β€” that it’s not the best time to ask for a favor? It just feels wrong to say, “I’m really sorry. That was so wrong. Now can I borrow $20?”

whatdavid_350So David’s request at the end of this psalm feels really bold. Almost inappropriate. But it shows us how strongly David believed in God’s mercy, forgiveness, and desire to help Israel.

David had made his confession. He’d admitted his wrong. He had received God’s punishment. He’d asked to be made clean. Now he was ready to move forward and ask for God’s blessing on His people. Walking with God again means asking God again to make you strong enough to worship Him more.

Think: Do you ever hesitate to ask God for help because you know you don’t deserve it, because you feel guilty about your sin? Does God ever want you to pull away from Him in those moments?

Pray: Follow David’s lead here: Ask God to help you to be stronger in your ability to trust Him so you can worship Him most effectively.

Do: Make a quick list of reasons to stop asking God for help in your life. (Hint: It should be a really short list.)