Easter Countdown: Zero Hour

” ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.’ ” (Mark 16:6)

You know it’s a big deal when the angels show up – and the news is almost always good. This time, it was maybe the best news in human history. The Son of God, dead and buried, was alive. (Just like he said.)

count_350God wouldn’t have had to send angels to let Jesus’ friends and followers know the Messiah was risen. Jesus would appear to them soon enough. But God the Father seems to love making announcements about his Son. (Notice how similar the angels’ message is to the birth announcement delivered 33 years earlier – “You will not find him wrapped in cloths and lying in this tomb. See?”)

The watch had stopped. From the moment God created time, it had been counting down to this – the payment for sin complete, death defeated, the promise of new life for all who believe, and the hope of living forever in the family of God.

Let the world rejoice.

Think: Are you impressed with the power it took to bring Jesus back to life? What are a few of the ways that Jesus’ resurrection has changed – and will change – your life?

Pray: Praise God for raising Jesus from the dead and making it possible for you to one day be raised to new life, as well.

Do: Watch this.