Why Jesus?: Peace through Blood

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” (Colossians 1:19-20)

Even more gargantuan ideas about Jesus as both man and God:

trees_3501) All of God’s “fullness” lives in Jesus. Not only is Jesus the image of the invisible God, he is full of God on the inside, as well. In other words, Jesus is what Bible scholars call “fully God” – God inside and out.

2) Jesus is the agent God used to reconcile “all things” to himself. Another way of saying it is that Jesus was (and will be) the way God chose to fix all the broken things in the universe – to end every conflict forever.

3) God fixed (will fix) every broken thing by breaking Jesus, by crushing him, by allowing him to bleed as the sacrifice in place of all who deserved to bleed, instead. He brought peace by killing his Son.

Think: Would Jesus have qualified as the ultimate sacrifice for sin – the peacemaker who fixed every broken thing – if he had not been fully God? Could he have been the reconciler of “all things” if he was not also fully man? (Hint: No and no.)

Pray: Thank God that he was pleased to have his fullness live in Jesus. Thank him that he will eventually bring peace forever through what Jesus did on the cross.

Do: If you started a list yesterday of all the things we’ve learned about Jesus this week, add today’s 3 points to it.