Money Matters: Enough Trouble

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

Jesus’ final word in this passage on the issue of money and worry and worrying about money is refreshingly realistic. He has been telling us, “Don’t worry; your Father cares for you.” But He has NOT been saying, “Since your Father cares about you, you’ll never have a day of trouble in your life.”

money_350In today’s verse, He practically promises that you and I will have trouble “tomorrow.” Trouble comes built in to every day on this side of heaven. It’s a fact of life in a fallen world. People who make a goal of not having any trouble will spend their lives feeling sad, angry, frustrated — and worried.

Instead, Jesus says, “Trust your Father to take care of you today and leave tomorrow to itself.” Does that mean we don’t make plans or preparations for tomorrow or next month or next year? Of course we do. But Jesus tells us not to invest the emotional energy in worrying about how those plans and preparations will turn out. Always worrying about the next day leads to a life of endless worry. Focusing on today — and how God provides in it — leads to a life of endless gratitude.

Think: Are you surprised Jesus would admit that trouble comes built into this life? Do you expect there to be trouble or are you surprised when things don’t go according to your plans?

Pray: Ask God for the courage and self-control not to worry about tomorrow. Thank Him for how He has provided for you today.

Do: Make a quick list of ways that God has provided for you today.