What Jesus Said: God Answers

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Yesterday, we heard Jesus say not to toss your pearls to the swine, seemingly pointing out the great value of the message that we can belong to God. We can be of him. Those who reject that message don’t realize how costly it is.

whatjesus_350Today, he tells us to ask, seek, and knock. What would you ask for? What would you seek? Well, since he is God with all of the power in the universe, hopefully you’ll ask for something of great value, something like pearls, something like the opportunity to belong to God or to be restored to closer fellowship with him.

God responds to those who seek him. He is discoverable; he finds those who look for him. He welcomes those who trust in the message of Jesus; he offers them a place in his family by his grace through their faith.

Why? Because good dads like to give good things to their kids. Come back tomorrow.

Think: What have you asked God for? How have you looked for him? What has he given you? What have you found?

Pray: Thank God that he answers those who ask, seek, and knock.

Do: As briefly as possible, write down the incredibly valuable message of how someone can be included in the family of God.