Faith Works: Live Simple

“. . . in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

Want your life to be complicated? Really confused and stressful and messy? It’s easy to accomplish: Just give some of your life to the Lord. Just acknowledge him in some of your ways. And then save the rest of your ways for yourself.

fw_350Trust me. It’s like signing up for a multiple personality disorder. Why? Because God’s way is not your way. If you make a commitment to trust him in some things and not others, you’ll always be trying to keep the parts of yourself a secret from the other parts of yourself.

I’m not saying it can’t be done. Most of us do it every day. I’m just saying it sucks. James called it being “double minded and unstable,” this trusting in God some and me some. And it leads to foolish living and giant headaches.

Want to live simple? Want to walk a straight-ahead path that’s going somewhere? Trust God with 100 percent of your heart and acknowledge him in all of your ways.

Think: What would you lose if you trusted God by obeying him in every part of your life? What would you gain?

Pray: Ask God to help you to acknowledge him in all of your ways.

Do: Make a quick list of parts of your life that you tend to keep away from God, that you’d rather not let the “God part” of your life know about.