Titus Tell ‘Em: Not the Same

“He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:5b-7)

Why and how are very different questions. Yesterday, Paul urged Titus to tell the Cretans why God would save people like them – like us – who had nothing good in them to give to God. (Because of his love, kindness, and mercy.)

crete_350But how did he save them? Yes, God can do anything he wants, but he won’t be with sin. And we – they – were full of it. So he takes action in the lives of those who trust in Christ. He cleans. He renews. He uses the power scrubber of the Holy Spirit to make us brand new, like fresh babies. His kids.

He changes us, gives us credit for the life and death of Jesus, to make us “justified” even though we deserved to be convicted and condemned. And with our new standing though faith in Jesus, he makes us family like Jesus, family with an eternal future at home with him.

Think: Why do you think some people would rather believe that God saves us because of our goodness than in spite of our lack of goodness? Why do you think some of us think we might be able to earn our spot in his family by being good enough?

Pray: As a believer in Jesus, thank God that he saved you through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit so that you could have the promise of eternal life.

Do: To really understand these ideas, I think it helps to try to say them out loud in your own words. Practice explaining to a parent or Christian friend why and how God saves those who trust in Christ.