Not Home Yet: God Wrote You In

“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” (Romans 8:29-30)

I’ve got a request: If these verses makes you feel inclined to jump into a debate about predestination and election and free will, don’t. Set the point/counterpoint aside this time and try to think about the implications of what Paul is saying in the context of this passage. He wants us to feel comforted, reassured, shocked by God’s involvement in our lives since before we were born.

nothome_350As Christians, we are the children of God. We have a share in the riches of eternity. Our life now includes pain, suffering, groaning, but we are also buoyed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. God is with us, listening to us, and he is at work in all things – even the hard things – for our good. Our future with him is secure.

How do we know? Because, mysteriously, long before we showed up God had already planned for us to follow the path of Jesus all the way to its conclusion in eternity. We will be like Christ. God is doing it, has done it, and he will not stop. Our hope is in exactly the right place when our hope is in being with God forever.

Think: Are you comforted by realizing that God is at work in you right now and that he will absolutely finish what he has started? What is the value of being called by God to follow the path of Jesus?

Pray: Thank God that, as a Christian, his plan for you started before you could mess it up and doesn’t end until you are like Jesus.

Do: Look forward to being glorified with Jesus for eternity.